This system allows training operators in the handling of one of the most used machines in the rural sector.
This is sophisticated and complex equipment that performs precision tasks such as spraying crops.
The training plan is made up of two modules: transfer exercises and spraying exercises.
In the first, the user becomes familiar with the controls, cabin instruments and performs transfer actions on different roads: rural, routes, highways with weather and traffic incidents. In the spraying module, the exercises allow the operator to be trained in the handling of controls, use of the boom, good application practices, distance and route management.
It is a system that dramatically shortens the training process in the use of a self-propelled sprayer, allowing the user to learn interactively, as if he were carrying out the task in the field but without exposing himself to any risk.
Technological innovation
• Driving practice on different roads
• Spraying exercises for different crops, heights and soils.
• Handling of boom
• Knowledge of cabin instruments.
• Different weather and visibility conditions.